foundations of joy
One of my greatest joys in life is being a mom. God has blessed me with four wonderful children. Each unique in their own way. Created and designed by the hand of God for a purpose. As a mom my job is to help guide and direct each of them towards that purpose.
do I need a swimsuit for this?
I once made the statement that "parenting is more like lifeguarding." And when I think about it, I really do believe that is true. We get these little people in our lives and our focus then becomes keeping them healthy, happy, and safe. It starts at birth.
living today while planning for the future
I want a happy adult relationship with my child where they desire my company and I desire theirs….
gratitude check
What are we thankful for today?
Your kids ask for things, and sometimes they are things they need, while other times these are things they want. Some things are frivolous, and others are intriguing as you consider what your child values at the moment. Value is not always about money…
roach to unicorn
Less than 50 percent of parents believe they are doing a good job parenting. That seems like a pretty small number to me! I’ve been working with parents for over thirty years, and whether the children in the home are small or teens, parents express feelings of inadequacy. The great news is that not everything we are doing is mind-numbing or exhausting. Think about the best day you’ve had parenting. Who was there with you? Why was it the best day ever?